Vreugdenhil Breeding & Seeds

Nieuws & events

Volg onze dwergtomatenras live bij de Automonous Greenhouse Challenge

Follow our dwarf tomato variety live at the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge

During the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge, a total of 20 teams, consisting of 200 participants with 24 nationalities, compete against each other to grow dwarf tomatoes remotely using artificial intelligence (AI).

Dwergtomatenras van Vreugdenhil Breeding & Seeds schittert in de 4e Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge.

Dwarf tomato variety from Vreugdenhil Breeding & Seeds shines in the 4th Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge.

During the Autonomous Greenhouse Challenge, a total of 20 teams, consisting of 200 participants with 24 nationalities, compete against each other to grow dwarf tomatoes remotely using artificial intelligence (AI).